Simplify the loan process for single-property rentals with fast, accurate pricing.
RBK GFS Single Property Rental loans offer a dependable financing solution for landlords with cash-flowing 1-4 unit residential properties.
30-year fixed or hybrid ARM options available.
Full recourse loans only.
Fully amortizing 30-year fixed-rate mortgage.
5/6, 7/6 and 10/6 hybrid ARM (with partial interest-only or fully amortizing options).
No prior experience required.
Purchase, rate-term refinance or cash-out refinance for single rental properties.
Registered entities only.
Single-family residences (SFR), 2-4 unit properties, warrantable condos, townhomes and PUD.
Properties must be purchased or leased within 30 days.
Rural properties and foreign nationals from ineligible countries are not permitted.
Up to 80% of the total cost for properties owned less than 3 months.
- Up to 80% for purchase and rate-term refinance.
- Up to 75% for cash-out refinance.
Minimum 1.10x (gross rent/PITIA).
- For leased units: Lower of in-place rent or market rent.
- For unleased units: 90% of market rent (for purchase loans only).
$75,000 to $2,000,000.
Properties must meet a 180-day seasoning period to use value versus cost basis.
Quickly generate term sheets with our automated pricing tool, streamlining single-property rental financing.
Simplify the process with instant, reliable loan calculations.